Well, lovers of life, we all want to be happy, right? We all want to feel finally deserving of what we ย worked for.We all want to feel seen as doing great and having zero issues eating up our minds.Have at it, pal.

But being happy is not necessarily putting on a wide grin and laughing out loud like you own the world.Being happy is not majestically strolling across paths and wanting everyone to think you finally feel satisfied.It isn’t about partying late into the night either.

Being free from what was holding you back is the true meaning of happiness.Be it the poor wages that got you frustrated,the nasty old boss that wont just leave you and your family in peace, the late night heated arguments with the love of your life that left you wondering whether you made the right decisions in life or that stern looking teacher who is always on your neck and breathing fire whenever your performance in class takes a sharp nosedive.

Understanding your own problems has been one of the most difficult tasks for humans.Many of us once faced with challenges would quickly want to forget and run away as the impeccable solution.We never have the time to sit down, think ,understand and accept the situation in the first place.

Accepting your challenges is vital as it enables you to to decide how best you can deal with it.Once you find the right balance and state of mind without haste, you realize you can deal with the issue in a thousand ways and that freedom from the confines of the problem is what breeds happiness.

Holding back on our emotions is only disastrous as we don’t get to share the problems with ourselves and with others too.Do not be afraid to feel.Its normal.

It is important that we accept our challenges as part of life and stepping stones for greatness and with that realization, comes freedom.And with freedom comes happiness.

Being You And only You.

Unfortunately, critisicm unlike appreciation has taken the Lion’s share in our daily ‘innocent’ lives and consequently, being who you really are has become an inconsequential matter to many if not all.

Yes.Being who you really are.Does that ring a certain bell? Maybe you plagiarised a friend’s work just to get impeccably high scores? Perhaps you wanted to chase a certain dream or career but with your too-demanding and over-ambitious parents entirely on your feeble neck,you changed your mind.Or you were the innocent soul everybody looked up to until you realised you are no longer in the 16th century and had to keep up with the trends.Whatever it is,we have all been other people at some point.

And whilst being really you is conceivably a tough nut to crack, it’s obviously not impossible.

Shifting attention to the career field, it is obvious we have all thought about what we want rather than what we need.We have chosen to do something because we believe it will be classy.We believe we will be rich and own the world in our hands.We believe people will glance at us and our huge jobs and careers and do nothing but bow before us.

But you might realise one vital thing missing- happiness.Everything you do will be out to impress.Nothing is being done out of passion.Nothing is being done out of reason. Slowly, you realise you’re doing something you were not meant to and the input towards it wanes.So does the drive.You realise you hate what you do and end up quitting.

Being really you not only allows you to make sound decisions but also enables you to make the best ones.Choices that you won’t regret in life because it was you who made them in the first place.Choices that you will stare at and grin with confidence and satisfaction knowing at the back of your mind that you will unreservedly succeed and there is no going back.Choices that will make you feel proud without having to force or fake it.

Your company may love, protect,appreciate,hate,condemn or even despise your ideas.But be careful.Let them not make decisions for you.After all, we don’t live a double life do we?

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